I hope you are not one of the people who…

Nilesh Pareek
2 min readJul 17, 2021
Photo by JC Gellidon on Unsplash
  • I hope you are not one of the people who ask how are you out of courtesy and not actually meaning to know?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who is a hypocrite, notions apply to others but not yourself?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who honk as soon as it turns green?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who know that their actions were wrong but ego stands higher than the apology?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who cannot tolerate the behaviour you treat people around?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who are driven by just their emotions?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who preach unhealthy competition?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who are not open to discussions and new conclusions?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who choose not to be the first to reach out to people?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who lie to be someone who they are not?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who cannot wait or be patient to hear out before sharing your own perspective?
  • I hope you are not one of the people who wants a better world but not a better self?

I want a better world(who doesn’t), but “WE” is not my job, while “ME” is my job. So, I hope you do not possess the traits I mentioned but more importantly I will try not to be the kind of person

My articles are either my learnings or notes for myself to improve. They can be insights, epiphanies or entries that needed exit from my headspace.

I am not teaching anything, I am hopeful that someone might learn or get inspired

